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What are the Consequences For Not Paying Court-Ordered Child Support in Ohio

When parents divorce or separate in the state of Ohio, one of the parents will ultimately be responsible for making monthly child support payments. Child support is designed to ensure that there is a fair and equitable financial arrangement to cover the costs of raising a child. Child support is calculated in the state of Ohio by a set formula.

To common issues that occur relevant to court-ordered child support are the issues of timely payments and whether or not the child support payments are being used for the child’s welfare and expenses. In many cases, parents require to make child support payments fail to meet their monthly obligations due to financial difficulties or because they feel the amount ordered is unjust. Regardless of the issues at hand, A court order must be followed, and both parties are given a number of legal options to handle child support disputes in the state of Ohio. 

The penalties for not paying child support in the state of Ohio

The state of Ohio has severe consequences and penalties for those who disobey court-ordered child support obligations. It’s important to understand that throwing a “deadbeat spouse” in jail may not be in the child’s best interest or for the custody or parent. A criminal record Will negatively impacts the non-custodial parent’s opportunities in the workforce. For example, a criminal record could make it very difficult for the non-custodial parent to find or keep a job. Also, if a non-custodial parent is thrown in jail, he or she will likely lose their current job. These difficult situations require a level of pressure, enforcement, and forward-thinking to resolve effectively and without causing additional financial hardships.

In the state of Ohio, there is a process in which the state will attempt to collect unpaid child support. The following are some of the ways the state of Ohio attempt to collect child support from non-custodial parents:

  • Wage garnishments and withholding orders
  • Bank liens
  • Intercepting income tax refund payments
  • Suspension of drivers licenses
  • Suspension of professional licenses
  • Suspension of hunting and fishing permits
  • Liens on real property
  • Arrest warrants

How to avoid child-support support arrearage penalties and consequences in Ohio

The best approach for avoiding negative consequences is to pay the court-ordered child support in a timely fashion and not to miss any monthly payments. If, for any reason, a non-custodial parent is having financial difficulties due to income changes, loss of job, or unforeseen emergency financial hardships, it’s important to contact an attorney to determine the best legal approach to take. In some cases, there may be an acceptable legal reason to modify an existing court-ordered child support obligation. It’s always best to be proactive in these situations rather than reactive when faced with negative consequences such as wage garnishments, driver’s license suspensions, or the issuance of an arrest warrant.

If you’re a parent who has fallen behind on your monthly child support obligation, or if you’re a custodial parent seeking to recover past-due child support payments, call Dawes Legal LLC at 614-733-9999. Attorney Shannon Dawes can help make sure that the child support obligation is fair and legally just.

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