Columbus, Ohio child custody lawyer

Understanding The Types of Child Custody Arrangements in the State of Ohio

Child custody is often the most contentious issue during and after a divorce. Choosing or fighting for the type of child custody arrangement that works for you and your children can be complex even when the divorcing spouses are amicable. If you have a pending child custody matter, make an appointment with our seasoned child custody attorney, Shannon Dawes.

In the State of Ohio, there are several child custody arrangements that reflect the diverse needs of both the parents and their children. However, the court will always look to which child custody arrangement is in the best interest of the child or children. The following are different types of child custody arrangements in the State of Ohio:

Sole Custody: Sole custody means one parent has complete legal custody of the child or children. If one parent is abusive or missing, this custodial arrangement is the apparent option. However, the court will determine if this is the best arrangement for the child or children.

Joint Custody: In some cases, courts try to give the children exposure to both divorcing parents. This is one of the reasons why Joint Child Custody is popular in Ohio for divorced or unmarried parents.

Legal Custody: Legal custody only pertains to major life decisions that will impact the child. These are typically decisions such as medical care, education, and religious upbringing. Legal custody may also fall under sole legal custody or joint legal custody arrangements.

Physical Custody: Physical custody determines which parent the child will be physically located and where they sleep. Deciding which parent receives physical custody will be determined by the best interest of the child and the proximately of the two parents. For example, if the two parents live in different states, physical custody is going to be granted to one parent. This helps the child have a consistent home and school. The non-custodial parent receives visitation rights.

Grandparent Visitation and Custody Rights: Grandparents are permitted to establish some child custody and visitation rights in some circumstances. However, those rights must be established and granted by the court. If you are interested in learning more about grandparent’s rights, contact Dawes Legal to discuss your situation.

Which child custody arrangement is best for you and your child really depends on a lot of factors. At Dawes Legal, LLC, we know you value spending time with your child, and we will work hard to make the process as quick and painless as possible. Whether you are setting up a child custody arrangement for the first time or need to revisit one that isn’t being followed or no longer reflects your situation- pick up the phone and give Dawes Legal a call today at (614) 733-9999.

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