Lawfirm Estate Planning

Maximizing Your Initial Consultation With an Ohio Attorney

Even the most complicated estate plan begins with an initial consultation with an Ohio estate planning lawyer. The initial consultation can set the tone for the lawyer-client relationship and may foreshadow how long the estate planning process will take. Those who put in the time to prepare for their initial consultation are likely to make better use of their time during the consultation. This can result in the attorney having a better understanding of your objectives and lessen the time it takes to craft your estate plan.

Individuals can prepare for an initial estate planning consultation by gathering some easy-to-find information and considering a few simple questions.

Gather Information on Your Assets and Your Heirs and Beneficiaries

Your estate planning consultation will be more productive if you have information to share with your attorney about your assets. Any estate plan (no matter how simple or complicated) is an attempt to control how your property and assets are handled following your death. The manner in which certain assets are best managed, however, may differ. Keeping your residence or family land for future generations’ benefit may best be accomplished through the creation of a trust, whereas ensuring that a child has possession of your wedding band for their own use may be better assured through a direct bequest in your will.

Similarly, your attorney may wish to discuss your family during your initial consultation. Certain family members, such as spouses and minor children, have legal rights that need to be considered if you plan to disinherit them or not provide for them in your estate plan. Knowing if you are married, if you have children (and whether they are adult or minor children) can enable your attorney to provide more accurate and realistic advice concerning your options.

Consider Your Estate Planning Goals

While an experienced estate planning lawyer may be able to describe the many options that are available for handling your affairs, only you know what goals and objectives are important to you. You can save time in your initial consultation if you know what you would like your estate plan to accomplish. Even a generalized idea or a basic list of desired outcomes can help focus your discussions with your attorney. Do you want to help provide for your children’s and grandchildren’s needs far into the future? A discussion around such goals may sound different than it might if your goals were to benefit a charitable organization or educational institution with your assets.

Arrive on Time and Ready to Talk … and Listen

Getting to your appointment late robs you of valuable time with your attorney. Similarly, showing up but not participating in a conversation by listening to questions or speaking up and voicing your thoughts and opinions can mean your initial consultation is not as productive as it could be. If you are running late, be certain to contact your attorney’s office as soon as possible. If you will be delayed significantly, consider asking if your consultation can be rescheduled to a more convenient time. During your consultation, speak up if you do not understand what your attorney is saying and correct your attorney if they do not accurately acknowledge your estate planning needs or situation.

Call for Your Initial Consultation Today

Get started with the estate planning process by contacting Dawes Legal, LLC about your initial consultation today. Dawes Legal, LLC has years of experience helping Ohioans from all walks of life prepare and execute comprehensive estate plans for the benefit of their family, friends, and loved ones. We are eager to speak to you and to help you. Contact Dawes Legal, LLC at (614) 733-9999 today.

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