Why hire a family law attorney

How an Attorney Can Help With Your Family Law Issues

Divorce. Child Custody why not try this out. Paternity. Grandparents Rights. Whatever the Ohio family law issue you are currently dealing with is there is always one thing these matters have in common- the emotion attached to this area of law. And rightfully so—dealing with putting together a legal arrangement that impacts the people most important to you is an incredibly emotional and exhausting undertaking. For this reason, among others it is always best to work with an experienced Ohio family law attorney for any and all of your family law issues. Dawes Legal can help.

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about the benefit and value of working with an attorney and they could not be more wrong! My family law clients are always shocked to find out how easy and affordable working with an attorney really is. Here’s a quick look at how an attorney can help with your family law issue:

  • Save Time: When it comes down to it, every family law issue we deal with at Dawes Legal is a very paperwork-heavy process and not something you should try to handle on your own. Mistakes are costly and missing a deadline can be a major problem for your case. Working with an experienced attorney will save you a tremendous amount of time and make sure that things are always filed properly and on time. Ultimately, you want to get the legal aspect of things resolved as quickly as possible and start living your life again.
  • Save Money: Yes, you read that right—working with an attorney can actually save you money. How? By making sure things are done right and in your favor the first time around you will end up saving big in time and money. This means less time at court and away from work or your children—all things that end up putting money back into your pocket.
  • Limit Emotions: There are emotions on every side of a family law issue, but a lot of these feelings can get in the way of the actual legal issues that need to be sorted out. Working with an attorney helps to ensure that your side of the story is told in the best and most convincing way possible to the judge in your case. While it may be hard for you to hold back your emotions and opinions when it comes to the issue at hand, keeping these feelings in check and letting your attorney do the talking will ultimately help to get you the results you want and move on from the issue once and for all.

At Dawes Legal, LLC, getting you a quick and desirable resolution to your family law issue is my goal. You will always know what is going on in your case and what the next steps are. If you or a loved one is currently dealing with a family law issue in Ohio, do not hesitate to call me today at (614) 733-9999.

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