Key Benefits of Estate Planning in Ohio

Have an Ohio Power of Attorney Established Before a Crisis Hits

Having a Power of Attorney Established Before a Crisis Hits Can Save You and Your Family Unnecessary Stress

Designating a power of attorney is not only for older people who have trouble getting around or are too sick to attend to their legal matters. Most people, especially younger folks, believe that powers of attorney are exclusively part of an estate plan. Accordingly, younger people have a hard time imagining why they would ever need to enact such a document before they have reached a point where they need to consider estate planning. However, having an Ohio Power of Attorney in place while you are young and healthy can save many legal problems if you are unexpectedly incapacitated.

One can never predict when an unexpected event like a car accident, a workplace injury, or a severe illness might render him or her in a coma or hospitalized for a lengthy period. Such incapacitation would leave the person unable to handle his or her financial obligations or make health care decision, which in turn would create unnecessary stress and confusion on top of the problems you and your family currently face. Therefore, it is essential to consider executing a power of attorney before you need it.

Powers of attorney are helpful to have in place even when no emergency arises. People who frequently travel should consider executing a power of attorney so that any situation that suddenly appears may be handled by your “attorney in fact,” that is, the person you designate to act on your behalf if you cannot attend to the matter while you are away from home.

Many internet websites purport to give the user information that satisfies Ohio’s power of attorney statute. Ohio’s power of attorney statute is a lengthy and complicated law. Therefore, relying on a website to provide you with the correct power of attorney forms is fraught with danger. There is no guarantee they are correct and legally binding. The website has no duty to you or your family to give you accurate legal advice. You and your family have no recourse if you execute a power of attorney you downloaded from an anonymous website and it does not grant the proper authority. Such a scenario can make a bad situation worse. Thus, trying to save money with a do-it-yourself kit is not worth the fallout if something goes wrong.

A qualified and experienced attorney should do the drafting a power of attorney in Ohio. Shannon Dawes, Esq. from Dawes Legal, LLC has significant experience drafting powers of attorney and other estate planning documents to help you and your family plan make plans. Columbus estate planning attorney Shannon Dawes, Esq. will review your legal needs and wishes thoroughly and devise an appropriate plan so that you and your family can have confidence that all of your legal needs are protected if you need to rely on an Ohio power of attorney.

For Further Information About A Power of Attorney in Columbus, Ohio

Call Shannon Dawes, Esq. at Dawes Legal, LLC today at 614-733-9999 to schedule a consultation with Attorney Dawes and her staff. You owe your family peace of mind knowing that your finances and health care decisions are in accordance with your wishes if a crisis strikes.

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